Redwood Healthcare Center Llc

3145 High Street
Alameda County, CA

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Redwood Healthcare Center Llc

3145 High Street

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Below is a list of hospices this facility has worked with, which have demonstrated a commitment to the well-being of patients and their loved ones.
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Our Commitment

Redwood Healthcare Center Llc is committed to patients' right of choice.

For many, hospice is seen as a last resort and a scary option of care, but this could not be farther from the truth.
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Facts About Hospice

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is hospice care?

Hospice care provides comfort and support to individuals who are nearing the end of their life, focusing on managing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

What are the eligibility requirments to enroll in hospice care?

Individuals with a terminal illness with a life expectancy of six months or less, including those who have decided to stop receiving curative treatment, are typically eligible for hospice care.

What is the difference between hospice and palliative care?

Hospice care is designed to provide pain management and comfort to individuals with a life expectancy of six months or less, whereas palliative care is intended to improve the quality of life for individuals with serious illnesses at any stage of their illness, including treating the underlying illness and managing symptoms. If you choose to receive hospice care, the focus will be on comfort care rather than curative treatment, which means that medication to cure or control your illness may be discontinued.

Is hospice only available in a facility, or can I get care at home?

Hospice care can be provided in various settings, including the individual's home, a hospice facility, a nursing home, or a hospital.

What are some differences between hospice agencies?

Hospice agencies may differ in services, staff qualifications and experience, resources and support, quality of care, approach to care, and cost. It is important to research and compare hospice agencies on HospiceMatch to find one that meets your needs.

Is hospice covered by insurance?

Hospice care is typically covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance plans, and funding may also be available through charitable organizations and foundations.

What if I decide I don't want hospice care anymore?

If you no longer want hospice care, you can revoke your election by notifying your hospice provider verbally or in writing. After revoking your election, you will receive regular healthcare services and can choose to pursue curative treatment if desired. It's essential to discuss your decision with your healthcare provider to understand the implications and explore alternative care options.

What type of care can I expect to receive from hospice?

Hospice care provides pain management, emotional and spiritual support, medication management, medical equipment and supplies, home health aides, and counseling services.

May I continue to see my doctor if I enroll in hospice?

Yes, you can continue to see your doctor while receiving hospice care. Your hospice care team will work together with your doctor to develop a care plan that meets your needs.

How often will the hospice team visit me?

The frequency of hospice visits depends on your individual needs and can range from daily visits to weekly check-ins. Each hospice has a typical number of visits which you can view on their HospiceMatch listing.